Alright, you are convinced that a career in the Oral Health Industry is right for you, but you have to spend money to make money right? Check out the links below to learn more about the opportunities available to help you finance your education.
Also, take some time to check out how much dough you can make after you graduate. As you will see, there are many lucrative careers in the Oral Health Industry waiting for you. Work hard and your payday will be here before you know it!
Need financial assistance? Check out these opportunities:
Currently attending high school? College?
Search over 5,000 scholarships, fellowships, loans, and other financial aid opportunities.
Search additional financial aid at:
Visit your guidance counselor or your college's financial aid office for more financial aid opportunities.
Currently attending Dental School?

Currently practicing as a Dentist or Dental Hygienist?
Dentist Tuition Reimbursement Program
National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program
Indian Health Service Loan Repayment Program